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Sharing experiences both far away and right at home

On My Bookshelf: Paper Reads

On My Bookshelf: Paper Reads

I have always read. Growing up, I didn't have cable tv (I know, right?!) and we lived far out in the country. My parents are readers, and so when I was at home in high school, I usually sat in my room and read. 

Then, I spent most days dreaming about college, jobs, traveling abroad, and working life. I was pretty imaginative and these were days before Pinterest and blogs.  

I desperately wanted to work in NYC in the fashion and beauty publication world, so I subscribed to as many fashion magazines as possible and cherished the tall stacks of archives I built. 

I also started reading classic fiction in high school, and challenged myself to read and grasp adult emotions written in old school language. I also collected classics from bookstores and thrift stores during college. They also stacked gloriously in whatever apartment I was living in.

After college was over, I found that I had time (if I wanted to make the time) to read for enjoyment again! Since I look at a computer all day at work, I try to fill my time outside of that reading and with people. And no, I don't have a kindle or iPad or nook, I LOVE having a hard copy (either library rented or gifted paper back) with me. 

I am usually reading a fiction book, a book about spiritual growth, and a magazine broken into quick articles.  Here are three that I recommend for cozying up this weekend.


Light Between Oceans by M.D. Stedman

I loved reading this book. The picture of both coastal Australia post WW1 and the human emotions of the main characters are so well painted.

Tom, a war veteran decides he is destined to live a life alone guarding and upkeeping a lighthouse off the shore of Austrialia. He meets and falls in love with Isabel, a young and lively girl. As they live together secluded on the island (except three times a year when a supply boat comes), they grow in understanding of each other's varying outlooks on life. As Isabel miscarries multiple times, their heartache grows, until a baby in a basket is washed ashore. As the decide what to do, emotions arise and build.

As a good book should, it crescendo'ed and the ending notes of their lives in the aftermath made me shed small tiny tears. 

The author said this in a rare interview about the book:  

“There is something that appeals to the human psyche about lighthouses because of their isolation. Their presence offers up a marvelous set of dichotomies the human imagination likes to explore — darkness and light, safety and danger, stasis and movement, isolation and communication. The story throws up the role of isolation on morality — when you don’t see the impact of your actions. Perhaps it’s easier to fool yourself when you cannot see the face of those who are affected by what you do.”


You and Me Forever by Francis Chan and Lisa Chan

“Marriage is one of the most humbling, sanctifying journeys you will ever be a part of. It forces us to wrestle with our selfishness and pride. But it also gives us a platform to display love and commitment.” –Francis Chan

I learned so much from reading this book over my lunch hour (while walking some miles on the tredmill) last month. My good friend bought a few of us a copy of this book because she learned so much from it! The book, starts out letting readers know that this is not just a tips and tricks book on how to have a happy marriage, or even a book that displays the roles and purpose in a godly marriage. The first chapter, asks readers to just stand and think and be in awe of who God- His might and majesty and where we stand in shadow of that.

“Most marriage problems are not really marriage problems, they are God problems. They can be traced back to one, or both, having a poor relationship with God, or a faulty understanding of him. An accurate picture of God is vital to a healthy marriage. It's vital to everything.” – Francis Chan

Lisa Chan wrote a couple of pages at the end of every chapter, and I really enjoyed being taught by Francis and relating very well to Lisa’s outlook on the principle being taught.

“A strong woman has waited patiently while her roots grew down deep into the Word of God. Over time, she becomes unshakeable in her faith. She starts bearing fruit naturally and is full of life. People are attracted to her strength and growth, and many find rest and peace as they lean on her. And when storms and trials come, as they always do, they will not be able to take her down. A few branches may be lost or pruned away, but in their place comes new growth, new life. This is what I long to be! A strong woman who is anchored in God’s promises. But it starts by setting down your roots in God’s Word. It will not happen as you stand up for yourself, and demand attention, and fight for yourself. It will happen as you stand in Christ, and demand that He gets your attention, and fight for His glory. The beautiful thing is that as we pursue this, God takes His rightful place in our lives.” –Lisa Chan

I also very much desire to be this kind of woman one day as well as a strong and mature wife to Zach. I would encourage anyone to read and meditate on the ideas of this book. There is so much about God and the gospel of Jesus as well as bits of tangible marriage thoughts to take away.


Travel + Leisure

This is the one magazine that I hold a subscription to. I work in the travel industry and see and hear about many of the resorts and destinations that we work with listed in Travel + Leisure.

I also get to look and imagine exploring wayyyy off the map destinations and tours available in all dusty corners of the world that these writers find. To me, when I open one of these on my porch or on a plane headed somewhere, it’s like reading a National Geographic. There are people out there who have found ways to travel and see amazing niche experiences that stir up all sorts of day dreams.

What else are you supposed to do in January?? Zach and I are headed to Kansas City tomorrow for my birthday! So no cozy reading this weekend.

Pleasant St. 


Birthday Weekend

Birthday Weekend

