Spring Greens!
Zach and I looked around our apartment this weekend and declared that we shall not bring in any more things! Our apartment is roomy and it felt like an empty castle when we first got married. We have spent time and money picking things out for it. And we have maxed it out.
Last year, we went to Lowes and bought a few snake plants and our Josef (bird of paradise).
He has been our friend, Zach's right hand man, our first Christmas tree, and the precursor to any pet in our future.
This weekend was rainy and sleepy. Zach was sleepy from his work trip, and I always love a good apartment upkeep project. We went back to Lowe's (annual thing?) and got pots and soil to repot some of our plants.
Josef has grown and is a wee bit weepy and full. So we split him into two.
We seriously cut his roots in half (scary!).
We spent the chilly rainy afternoon out on the porch with the windows open and slippers on (me).
The new Josef.
His sad counterpart that we are supporting with water and braces :)
We have gotten some pretty great gifts this last year. Our good friend visited his home city in Etheopia and brought us coffee and a scarf! I am using it as a little spring table runner. Look how pretty this is!
I finally got to put my print from Earth & Fleur in a frame!
Yes yes yes yes! All the life in our apartment!